How To Sell eBooks Online in 2023?

Selling eBooks online is an excellent approach to earning money online, and there are several options to sell eBooks for additional revenue. 

If you’ve ever tried to sell a book online, you might know it’s more challenging than it seems. Several publishing platforms have differing costs, guidelines, and other factors to consider. Therefore, if you want to sell an ebook online, starting with the basics, such as where and how it should be done, is better. 

Let’s dive into this:

Why should you sell your eBooks?

In recent years, ebook publishing and sales have become a significant online business sector. 

Statista estimates the worldwide ebook market will be worth $20.7 billion in 2023.   

If you want to make a career as an ebook author, one of the most important things you need to do is learn where you can sell your ebook online. 

The online market is broad. Therefore, there is much space for books of all genres, sizes, and contents. Luckily, there are multiple options to choose from. 

Additionally, you don’t need to count on a reputable publishing house to perform the promotion for you since it is a task you can do easily by utilizing some digital resources, and you’ll get the attraction required.

It is a true solopreneur endeavor because you can handle all process aspects independently, including writing, publishing, and marketing.

This is why ebook creation and selling are taking their place in e-commerce businesses.

Create an eBook that Sells

Writing your ebooks is the first step in selling them to the public and making money. 

Can you write an engaging eBook that attracts buyers and boosts your revenue? 


If you have the skills, dedication, and zeal, you can write and sell eBooks and easily earn money. 

To get the most out of your eBook, you must put in the time and effort required to develop a strategy, concentrate on the design, research effective marketing techniques, and pay close attention to analytics.

However, engaging eBooks with unique content may perform very well independently and do not need extensive work. 

Writing a book that sells itself is preferable to writing a book of low value and spending all your time covering it.  

In other words, once you’ve mastered the art of creation, selling your works and earning from them will be a breeze. Some more ideas for creating an eBook that sells are:

  1. Pick an interesting topic: 

To write a best-selling ebook, you need to choose a subject that piques the interest of your target audience. Therefore, you should think carefully about your ebook’s topic before starting.

Find a field that other authors or companies still need to cover. 

For example, if you are writing a nonfiction ebook, your goal should be to provide the readers with something new. 

Consider using anecdotes from your life to help you distinguish yourself from the crowd as a writer.

  1. Create a captivating title:

Next, choose a title that will entice readers to download your book. 

For example, if you write books on business, you should know that titles that feature financial statistics have a greater chance of success.

Or, if you’re writing fiction, try to come up with some snappy titles that are intriguing and attention-grabbing. 

Additional resources or websites are also available to help you create titles for various genres. These tools may assist you in generating titles for a variety of different types of books.

  1. Draft the data:

Regarding online book sales, content creation is one of the most challenging parts. 

Writing takes effort and time, especially if you need to be more experienced. However, it would be best if you didn’t let this deter you from pursuing the idea of writing the book.

There are always many options. For example, you can hire a ghostwriter to write your content.

Hiring a ghostwriter is both simple and economical. 

Visit platforms that facilitate freelancing, such as Fiverr or Upwork, to find authors who have previous experience working in your niche area.

  1. Dot in some high-quality visuals:

If your ebook is a nonfiction title and you discuss intricate themes in great depth, it is highly recommended that you use photographs wherever appropriate.

Pictures and other visual features, such as graphs and tables, may break up your content and make the information more accessible for the reader to comprehend. 

It is also an excellent method for adding value to your ebook and making it seem more professional.

sell ebooks online

Prepare your eBook to Sell Online:

After you have finished writing your ebook, there are a few further steps you need to take to have it ready for sale. All the information you’ll need is right here.

  1. Format your ebook to sell

This phase is the most challenging and perplexing for many writers. The acronym “KISS” is an excellent rule of thumb while formatting your initial manuscript.

Surely you’re familiar with this old acronym. Well, it’s a fantastic thumb rule for eBook formatting – Keep it Simple, Silly!

Keep your book’s format as basic and straightforward as possible, whether doing it yourself or sending it off to a conversion service.

It is generally advisable to use font sizes of 11 or greater. The reader may need help with reading the words if it is any smaller than this.

Make the reading experience more pleasant by splitting up large blocks of content into smaller sections and using listings and headlines.

  1. Edit and Proofread

Be sure to edit and proofread your ebook before finalizing your final draft and submitting it for publication. Your book may be a complete embarrassment if it hasn’t been carefully reviewed and edited.

Nothing is more disappointing than having readers highlight your grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Or, even worse, if your fact-checking turned out to be wrong.

You may use online tools such as Grammarly to identify spelling and grammatical errors or hire a professional proofreader via freelancing websites to tackle this.

  1. Incorporate brand identity features.

When getting your book ready for publication, include some parts of your brand so people can learn more about you, your business, and your work.

Including an author page at the start or end of the book is a good idea. 

Additionally, you should include your company name and logo in critical locations throughout the book, such as on the title pages of the chapters or in the headers and footers.

  1. Design a cover that stands out.

The maxim “You can’t judge a book by its cover” may be outdated. But it isn’t, and it never will be. 

Many people still create a perception of your book based on its front cover. 

The book’s cover catches people’s attention before getting to the content. 

The cover picture must pique curiosity and make people want to know more. It is also essential to be coherent when seen in conjunction with the title of your ebook.

The cover art for your ebook is a crucial marketing asset, so it’s worth your time to consider it seriously. Think of a picture that correlates with the theme of your ebook.

You may create your book cover using online graphic design tools such as Canva, which provides a wide range of high-quality, free templates and paid templates designed by professionals. Or, if you still need help with your ebook’s cover, a professional graphic designer can help you. 

  1. Prepare different types of files.

Many file formats may be used to save an ebook. 

Depending on the platform you choose to sell your ebooks, you may need to make your manuscript available in multiple file formats. 

It is recommended that you store your works in the MOBI, ePub, and PDF formats since doing so will enable you to publish your books on most of the leading websites, including

Where to Sell Ebooks Online

While selling ebooks via your website or store is the best way to generate money, many individuals also sell their ebooks on other eCommerce platforms designed to sell digital items.

With regards to online bookstores, Amazon is, without a doubt, the finest option for selling ebooks online. 

Although Amazon does deduct a fee from your earnings, there are several benefits to selling on such a vast marketplace. The essential advantage is that you do not need to drive your traffic, so you do not need to devote as much time to selling your ebook. 


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